Going Social For A Job!

If you’re searching for a job, how’s your social media skills? Think twice when updating your resumé. According to the latest surveys, job recruiters and hiring managers are searching the social media services on individuals looking for employment. Just listing your computer and Internet experience is not enough! Faxing is out of date too!

If you don’t have a digital footprint in social media, you will likely be passed over! Why? It shows your ability to interact online and if you’re competent enough with the different social media services as more organizations use social media for publicity and checking references. Even if you network, the traditional way with friends and past employers, the new trend is digital networking!

A recent survey by Beyond.com indicated 95% of baby boomers from ages 48 to 67 search for jobs online. Social networking is a major key in finding a job. Using social media services like Facebook and LinkedIn are a great source for digital networking.

Before you begin a job search or update your resumé, create or update your LinkedIn and Facebook social media accounts. If you don’t know how, ask for help! These services are free and you can add your career experience, interests, awards, and education plus start connecting with former employees and friends with both services. After that, obtain recommendations by former employers, employees, and friends and vice versa to enhance your online skills with these social services.

Do show a likeable portrait photo to enhance your ratings, not a goofy one. Learn to tweet on Twitter as this service is very popular with over 500 million users. These social media services will help you get connected with the new age recuiters and hiring managers. See AARP’s June Bulletin on this subject for more details.

Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus. <a href=”mail to”Marketing @50plusmediasolutions.com”><u>Email Bob</u></a>


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