Caregiving Symposium is Back

By Juliette Jonjak Kershner

The annual Caregiving Symposium, brought to you by the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging takes place on May 22, at the Jewish Community Center, 6007 Oreg Ave, in Boulder. This event, for Boulder County residents who care for older relatives, partners, neighbors, and friends, provides a one-stop location to explore and meet with a range of service providers. It is an excellent opportunity to develop skills, knowledge, and wisdom about eldercare issues, while communing with other caregivers. One caregiver said of the event “So many great presentations! The symposium has been invaluable. Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet, grow and learn!!”

More than 100 local service providers, multiple workshops on issues relevant to caregivers, on the spot referrals, and complimentary snacks are offered. This year you can register for either the morning session from 8:30 -12:15, the afternoon session from 12:30 – 4:15 (when topics are repeated), or for workshops in Spanish, from 9:30 – 2:30. Caregivers can choose from talks on technology for caregiving, navigating family dynamics, legal information for substitute decision makers, self-care, family caregiving for someone in a facility, palliative care, and more.

Find the complete agenda and register at:

The Caregiving Symposium is free but requires preregistration by May 12 at 303-441-1685, or the above website. Walk-in registration may be available, space permitting. To help caregivers get there, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging offers financial assistance for respite care (substitute elder care during the event). Register for this at the above website or call 303-678-6284 for more information. For general information about the Caregiving Symposium, visit the registration website or contact Juliette Kershner, of the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging at 303-678-6116, or

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