Zonta Volunteers Make A Difference

Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County, a member of Zonta International, has been supporting women and girls in Boulder County since its charter in 1982. An all volunteer organization, the Foothills Club is making a difference in women’s lives locally and around the world. They work to help ensure women’s safety, health, education and empowerment through advocacy, mentoring, service and hands-on support.

Through the Zonta EducateZ project the Foothills Club’s goal is to insure educational opportunities for all women and girls locally. They award over $10,000 in scholarships annually and mentor two leadership clubs. Engaging more than 40 young women, their Boulder High School PantherZ Z Club and Flatirons Golden Z Club help high school, college and university students develop leadership skills, promote career exploration and participate in community, school and international service projects. The Foothills Club’s mission is volunteerism to change women’s lives, hence they support many local non-profits through donations and service hours. In promoting family literacy, Zonta maintains free lending libraries at the Emergency Family Assistance Association, Community Food Share and Sister Carmen. They have supported such organizations as Mother House, the Milagros Scholarship. The ReEntry Initiative, and Share-a-Gift.

The Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County advocates for human rights and gender equality. Through Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women, an international campaign that launched in 2012, they have raised awareness of the global pandemic of women’s rights violations. Partnerships with organizations like Safe House Progressive Alliance for Non-Violence and Moving to End Sexual Assault have advocated locally in the fight against gender violence.

As members of the Women’s Collaborative of Boulder County, the Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County partners with other organizations to monitor local action, participate in hearings and public meetings. They host speakers to raise awareness about issues affecting women locally and internationally.

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