Columbine Strong!

By Yvonne Myers, Columbine Health Systems

October 1st of this year brings the 50-year anniversary of Columbine Health Systems. Serving our community for 5 decades has been our honor and pleasure. Over the past months, COVID-19 has brought challenges to Long Term Care – never truly seen before. Our ability to weather this current COVID-19 storm is directly due to our staff, residents, and families.

Imagine – being told you cannot visit your Mother, Father, or loved one who lives in a skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility or independent living apartment. Call them by phone to see how they are doing. We can set up calls with our iPad or Galaxy Tablets. We will provide you with updates on their status. Our families and friends have been amazing! They are patient and understanding. They support our staff and most importantly support their loved ones during these trying times! They are true heroes and they are Columbine Strong.

Our residents are the calmest. They are patient and encouraging to their family members and our staff. I think their wisdom and life experience of being on this planet for 80-90 years affords them a perspective of ‘time will tell’ and ‘this too shall pass’. Their smiles and ‘go with the flow’ attitude have made our days enjoyable and have helped their loved ones to weather this too. They are true heroes and they are Columbine Strong.

Our staff are unbelievable! They have not abandoned their post. They come ready to care for residents with all their various health needs, including COVID-19. Full PPE adds to the daily workload – and they do this willingly and lovingly. We are nothing without our staff. Our 50-year success is due solely to them! Our staff are true heroes and they are Columbine Strong.

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