Aging2.0 Group Researches Nutrition to Longevity

As the impact of health becomes more recognized, researchers are seeing a greater role for food and nutrition in maintaining good health in older age as well as in illness prevention and recovery. The Aging2.0 Collective Group is researching a new initiative around food and nutrition.

The American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging website suggests up to 60% of older people in hospitals become malnourished, and rising to up to 85% of those in long-term care facilities. A recent white paper by the Global Coalition on Aging and Danone’s Nutricia brand claims 33 million adults are either malnourished or at risk of malnutrition across the continent, and one in four patients admitted to hospitals is malnourished.

It is well known that metabolism slows down with age, related to lower muscle mass and less exercise. However, older adults need 25-50% higher levels of protein, which means up to 100g of protein per day for a 180-pound man. A cursory glance at most hospital and nursing home menus will be enough to see why many are malnourished while in medical care.

As the Mayo Clinic points out, malnutrition triggers a variety of health issues, including: a weakened immune system, slower wound healing, muscle weakness, decreased bone mass (and greater risk of falls and fractures), and overall higher risk of hospitalization and death. The white paper suggests that those in hospital who are malnourished end up staying 75% longer, contributing to higher annual costs. West Health estimates that the economic burden of disease-related malnutrition in the US in 2011 was $55bn.

There will be growing pressure on the food system and food companies to deliver game changing innovations, such as personalized meals, DNA and microbiome trackers, social eating services, hydration innovations, alternative proteins and many more. The Aging2.0 Collective wants to ensure that food innovators focus on the needs of older adults.

~ Courtesy of Aging2.0

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