Winter Indoor Enrichment for Your Pet

Judy Calhoun & Ellie

With winter upon us, it’s important to keep your pet active with indoor enrichment to help engage them both mentally and physically. It’s necessary to help reduce anxiety, boredom, and frustration which is associated with being indoors. To keep your pet mentally-focused during these long winter months, here are tips to help her stay active and the mind sharp.

  1. Use a Kong toy and fill it with peanut butter to provide her with a challenge. Even small balls filled with food can add additional exercise for your cat or dog.
  2. For your cat, they love their hiding spots and you can make those spots even more interactive during the winter. Throughout the house, place open boxes, carriers, and paper bags to provide them with added enticement.
  3. Cats and dogs love a game of chase, and it’s easy to make it happen in your home. Add some one-on-one time with her by playing a game of hide-and-seek!
  4. Something easy to do is to occasionally change up your pet’s toys. They can have a tendency to get bored with older ones so it’s good to keep it fresh.
  5. For your cat, make sure she has plenty of scratching posts and a cat tree or two.

The best way to ensure a happy, well-adjusted pet is to keep things fresh for them in their daily lives. We all can get bored with the same daily routine and your pet is the same way. Indoor enrichment includes activities that are meant to be mentally challenging that give your pet a reason to move and be alert.

Make it fun for your pet this winter and they’ll enjoy the season while enjoying every minute that they spend with you! Judy Calhoun is the Executive Director of the Larimer Humane Society. Visit their website at

~ Judy Calhoun is the Executive Director for Larimer Humane Society in Loveland. See more info at

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