UCHealth Announces Next Phase of Vaccine Distribution

Though you may have already received or scheduled a COVID-19 vaccine, this update is intended to keep you informed as UCHealth and Colorado move into the next phase of vaccine distribution. You are welcome to share this information with family members and friends. People do not need to be UCHealth patients in order to get a vaccine.

UCHealth registered nurse administers COVID-19 vaccine. Photo courtesy of UCHealth.

With the FDA’s recent Emergency Use Authorization of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, Coloradans now have access to three highly effective COVID-19 vaccines.

Starting March 5, 2021, Colorado will move to phase 1B.3 of the state’s vaccine plan. The next two phases will include certain frontline essential workers and people with high-risk health conditions, plus anyone 60 and older (1B.3) and 50 and older (1B.4). Before moving to the next vaccine phase, UCHealth will ensure that everyone 65 or older on its vaccine list has received at least one invitation to schedule an appointment.

For the next vaccine phase, UCHealth needs to verify what phase of distribution people qualify for in order to make sure they are able to get the vaccine. If someone feels that they should have already received an invitation but haven’t, they should verify their vaccine phase.
Instructions for verifying someone’s vaccine phase on My Health Connection:

From a computer:
Use this link to log in to My Health Connection. Fill out the “COVID-19 vaccine phase” questionnaire. The questionnaire can also be found at uchealth.org/myhealthconnection under Tools > Questionnaires. The title will be highlighted green if you have not completed it.

As UCHealth receives additional allocation of the vaccine from the State of Colorado, we are sending vaccine appointment invitations through our randomized selection process to give everyone the same chance of receiving a vaccine. Already, UCHealth has administered more than 250,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, with more than 100,000 people having received both their first and second doses.

Anyone who doesn’t have access to a computer or smart phone can call the COVID-19 vaccine hotline to be added to the vaccine list and to verify their vaccine phase.

UCHealth COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline – 720.462.2255 (Español 844.945.2508):

Monday through Friday – 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Courtesy of UCHealth

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