After Retiring, What to Do Next!

The Aging 2.0 Network of Denver and Colorado Senior Lobby hosted a fireside chat webinar with author Chris Farrell on his new book, “Purpose and a Paycheck: Finding Meaning, Money, and Happiness in the Second Half of Life.” Chris shared his perspective on the meaning of the word “retirement,” growing work opportunities for the 50+ adult, and potential polices that could help retirees in finding work.

Chris related there are stereotypes on older adults on the use of technology. Lately, retirees over 65 are the fastest growing group using Zoom and other technologies to better educate themselves. He related to an old movie, “The Intern” with Robert Dinero on the consequences of working again and becomes stronger in his new job with his past abilities.

Chris indicated since older adults are healthier, living longer, and have work experience, they should be considered as a consultant or teacher in many jobs. However, some older adults may need additional training for certain jobs, but have a better work ethic than most younger Americans.

The pandemic has caused many layoffs for many Americans plus there is income inequality since the last four decades. There are many new opportunities with the healthcare industry, but caregiving is very demanding and considered low income. In the past, 10% of the workforce work at home, but now is 25% due to the pandemic.

Americans who retire find it beneficial to work at non-profit organizations as they are considered helpful and respected with their skills versus working at a corporation, who feel older adults have outlived their usefulness. Smaller businesses prefer older adults with specific job skills.

There is hope for older Americans, since the birth rate has declined 30% in the U.S., many companies are looking for employees with special skill sets. So, there are opportunities for older Americans with special skills or getting educated with new skills.

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