Weld County Leads The Way

The Senior Nutrition Program provides nutritious and delicious noon-time meals for seniors. Social and educational opportunities are also available before and after meals; according to Meredith Skoglund, Senior Nutrition Supervisor, Area Agency on Aging, Department of Human Services in Greeley.

Each month Nutrition Directors from the various Weld County Senior Centers meet to discuss and take action when & where necessary to benefit and improve the services being provided on behalf of the seniors in their communities. Often the Directors exchange program and event ideas. The objective is to best serve those folks coming to the meal sites. At their meetings, a guest speaker is invited to speak about a topic of interest.

Weld County Senior Centers Nutritionists

A recent meeting at Eaton Recreation Center, Monna Weldon from Seniors Helping Seniors spoke about the In-home care services they provide. Sandra Acevedo, co-owner of Seniors Helping Seniors Weld County and Longmont, provided company history and its mission. A brief Q&A period followed. All of this vital attention given to seniors happens under the auspicious of WELDCO. Any questions you might have, please call 970-400-4000.

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