Our Environmental Crisis!

PBS-TV ran a special program last week called “Extinction.” It tells about over-population, starvation, deforestation, extinction of 1 million species in plant, animal, and insects, severe climate change, more wildfires & hurricanes, rising temperatures, more riots, and food shortages. ABC-TV ran a similar program called “Earth 2100” with scientists predicting the same events in 2009. Sadly, all these events are caused by humans. So why is all this happening?


The “Earth 2100” program indicated scientists predicted by 2020, global catastrophes may well begin to accelerate. Guess what: COVID-19, wildfires, and hurricanes! Coastal cities will be flooded from the rising oceans due to the melting glaciers and climate change. The human population is expected to explode and animal species are dying off at a rapid rate. As the world becomes more chaotic, the costs of mending it would grow more and more daunting. By 2030, gradually rising temperatures may have shifted rainfall patterns around the globe, and many experts warn much of the world may face serious shortages of our most basic need — water and food with more riots and wars.

Recently, the United Nations and World Wildlife Fund indicated two-thirds of the world’s wildlife has been decimated in the last 50 years. Scientists in “Earth 2100” predicted wildlife will no longer exist by then. Thanks to poachers, rising temperatures, wildfires, Asians incessant desire for rhino horns and elephant tusks, tiger heads, and killing off wildlife and stolen pets for their fur today will result in more chaos in the future.

Scientists even predicted over fishing will result in a dramatic change in the ocean’s eco system resulting in our coral reefs dying around the world causing more pathogens. Britain reports losing their Killer Whale population due to PCBs from plastics in the ocean. Other marine species are dying faster than expected from the same issue across the world!

China is now the worst environmental polluter and killer of wildlife. Tell them to stop or we stop doing business with them! We really should penalize them for concealing the COVID-19 pandemic including the past SARS outbreak.

However, there is hope if all countries do what they signed up for in the Earth Summit in 1992 and never did, but more recently the Paris Climate Change Agreement in 2016 has stiffer requirements on curbing carbon emissions and other environmental issues affecting our planet.

Bottom line is If we don’t take care of this planet today, it will die and so will we! Is this how you want to leave our planet to your grandkids?

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