Mirror, Mirror!

In acknowledgement of Mother’s Day this month, I’m certainly reminded of mine. I’d likely say this happens on a regular, or even, daily basis. One look in the mirror and I’m reminded of a feature of hers which now bears a strong resemblance to mine. Then, there’s that inadvertent side glance, and once again, I see mother in me. Perhaps it’s posture which would elicit a reminder to “stand up straight!”

Woman Looking In Mirror

In later years, she had a very specific waist band she liked. When I’d offer a variation, no that wouldn’t do. I’m kinda getting it as certain structural redistributions have happened to me. Sorry, mother, I understand now! When something isn’t working
(think unscrewing a top, untangling necklaces…), I often say, “Oh, come on!” Mother’s comment when frustrated? Right again!
We began calling her “The Mother” since she really wasn’t my spouse’s mother. That caused raised eyebrows and questions about the possibility of a religious affiliation.

It became our descriptor and one she even began using in signing cards and notes. As I read newspapers and magazine articles, I’m frequently tearing out selected ones to share with an interested person or group. “The Mother” did that for me from my
early teen years into my adult ones. The topics changed over time as I Martha Coffin Evans did.

Frequently, when she lived in Colorado and I in California (or the reverse), an envelope of clippings arrived with news of interest from that location. While grateful, Eventually I asked for a reprieve in receiving them. My guess is our mothers,
honorary ones, aunts and special friends all provide their share of advice and caring. Having a best friend mother, as some describe, is a blessing.

How’s your mirror? Find anyone familiar looking back? What about that “trademark” comment? Are you using it too? Martha (Marty) Coffin Evans, Ed.D. is a freelance writer with MACE Associates, LLC. She can be reached at itsmemartee@aol.com.

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