PAMVET Breakfast Club Meets Every Saturday

In 2008, two WWII Navy veteran’s, Virgil Horton, and Ron Garretson, created a weekly breakfast gathering of local veterans every Saturday in Loveland. The veterans’ group has outgrown several locations and currently meets at the Golden Corral at 1360 Sculptor Drive off of Highway 34 (East Eisenhower Blvd).

l-r: Organizers Robert Hildebrand, Judy Doty, Charlie Nash, & Phyllis Minch

The PAMVET (Proud American Military Veteran) group has no dues or requirements, other than simply enjoying the camaraderie of other veterans. A bell is rung to get everyone’s attention to stand and salute the flag, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance which is followed by a prayer and their weekly program hosted by Vietnam veteran & chaplain Charlie Nash.

The group or visitors are asked to introduce themselves and talk for a few minutes about their background and service history. The meeting continues with announcements about members or veteran-related events and activities. Breakfast follows the announcements.

Between 125 to 200 members attend the weekly breakfast, ranging in age from their twenties to over 100 and arrive from all over Northern Colorado.

PAMVET members can bring guests to the meetings and “every member is a recruiter,” one member said. “Most of us wear hats.” They greet the wearers of the hats stitched with the name and insignia of a branch of the military out of respect for their fellow comrades. If you are a veteran, please consider attending the PAMVETS Breakfast at the Golden Corral restaurant in Loveland on any Saturday (except major holidays) at 8 am. Breakfast cost is $12 per person.

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