Weld County Commissioners Proclaim World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

The Weld County Board of County Commissioners proclaimed June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) to help continue to shine a light on the issue of mistreatment and neglect of older people in our society. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, 1 in 10 Americans aged 60 or older have experienced some form of abuse. The long-term societal effects of this mistreatment are stark, as older adults who have experienced abuse or neglect are twice as likely to be hospitalized than other older people.

Weld County Commissioners and Area Agency on Aging Staff

Deputy Director of the Weld County Department of Human Services (DHS), Tami Grant, spoke in recognition of this proclamation during the board meeting on June 14. “Older individuals, as we all know, are vital contributing members of American society,” she said. “Just as we have confronted and addressed the societal issues of child abuse and domestic violence, we are also working to find solutions to address issues like elder abuse that threaten the well-being of our country.”

Tami also recognized several individuals from the Weld County DHS, and specifically the Weld County Area Agency on Aging (AAA), who are integral to the cause and committed to making this difference every day. The Weld County AAA houses the Adult Protective Services (APS) program which supports and protects at-risk adults from self-neglect or mistreatment by investigating allegations, advocating for clients, and when needed, arranging for services to stop or prevent harm by using the least restrictive intervention and respecting self-determination. If you suspect mistreatment or neglect of an at-risk adult, please contact the APS hotline at (970) 400-6700.

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