How to Have a Happier New Year

Isn’t it amazing how a new year renews our resolve? Reflecting on the last 365 days and resolving for the days to come has helped many people refocus themselves and their goals more clearly and with greater definition. But no matter the goal, poor planning could leave you feeling down by next December. But stay encouraged because the following goal-setting tips and mini-resolutions will help you feel empowered all year around.

• Affirm Yourself: Don’t feel pressured to do something because everyone else is doing it. Why not try being more charitable, or visiting a new continent? Whatever you wish to resolve, be sure it reflects you.

Mini-Resolution: Learn to make choices without having to explain yourself. Try empowering yourself by giving simple “yes” or “no” answers.

• Knock out Negativity: Create boundaries for the things that prevent you from pursing your positive goals. Say yes to yourself and say no to behaviors (including negative self-talk) that keep you from feeling good about making a personal choice.

Mini-Resolution: Plan a few positive response behaviors in the event of a bad habit slip-up. For example, if you eat a “bad” dessert, think about how your next dessert could be a bit healthier. Think positivity, not punishment.

• Start Small, Grow Gradually: Having goals that are too great can be grave when it comes to reaching your new heights. Instead of trying to scale the mountains in your life right away, find success through taking on the smaller hills and valleys. Soon, your mountain will feel more like a mound.

Mini-Resolution: Writing in a journal is a popular way to maintain resolve. Start with a few sentences every day and gradually work your way up to a page or more.

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