Senior Law Day Planning Underway


Weld County Senior Law Day is taking shape. After the very successful 2015 version of the day, the 2016 version promises to be equally successful. The Senior Law Day Committee is hard at work with a primary aim of offering attendees a wide-range of vitally important topics to learn about and take information home to be used as reference for making decisions about legal and medical matters. Mark down the date & time – Thursday, September 15, 2016; 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the UNC Ballroom. Don’t miss this worthwhile and informative event designed to assist & educate the senior adult community.

Committee pictured: (l-r) Standing: Irish Martin-Danhoff, Michelle Shepard, Jane Schwarz, Matt Meuli, Sandra Acevedo, Bert Speyer. Seated: Sheri Lobemeyer, Taylor Cobb, Dianna Goodman, Michelle AmRhein (not shown: Marcia Shafer, Michael Buckley, Holly Darby, Monica Londono, Jeanne Wilson, Christine Cunningham Colleen Daugherty

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