Category: Pets Are Family

Understanding Feline Herpesvirus (FHV) and How it Affects Your Cat!

There are a lot of potential illnesses your cat might face over the course of its life. One of the most common is feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1), a contagious viral infection. Cats that contract FHV-1 most often carry the virus with them for life, which may put them at risk for cold symptoms at random …

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Co-Sleeping with Your Pet: The Reason for Your Poor Night’s Sleep?

Most pets love to snuggle, and their urge to stay close often continues well into the night, starting when they jump up on your bed to go to sleep. It can be difficult to resist the temptation of all-night snuggles with your furry friend, which is why many pet owners share the bed with their …

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Kitty Not Eating? Here’s When You Should Be Concerned!

Everyone’s appetite can fluctuate from time to time. You might be starving by dinnertime one day and only feel like having a light meal the next. However, when we give our pets food each day, we usually expect them to eat it right away. Cats can actually go through similar appetite fluctuations as humans at …

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Fido and Fireworks

Oooh! Ahhh! Fascination with fireworks and other things that go boom are part of human nature. We have fireworks for every home run, every new year and every celebration of our country’s birth. Unfortunately, our canine companions do not always the appeal. Forty-four percent of owners report their dog show some level of anxiety with …

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June is Adopt-a-Cat month

More importantly… adopt a shelter cat! Cats make great pets. Research has shown that humans benefit from cat ownership. People who interact with cats have decreased blood pressure and risk of stroke. Pet ownership offers companionship and teaches children responsibility. Contrary to some beliefs, cats are sociable animals but will often select ‘favorites’. Cats fit …

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Spring is here

Time to get outside and commune with nature. Which, unfortunately, includes our creepy, crawly friends. Parasites come in two main varieties, external and internal, but all are one thing: bad for our pet’s health. In some instances, they are bad for our health as well. Parasite control is recommended year-round and critical as it gets …

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Pet Family Planning

Tax season approaches . Thoughts of how we manage our resources while paying the government our share may not trigger thoughts of your pet. As household items, okay family members, our pets require resources. Planning for basic necessities is helpful when planning your budgets. Planning for emergencies is also critical. Our pets need food, water …

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Tips for Senior Dog Care

As your dog ages, your care must evolve to meet your furry friend’s changing needs, particularly when it comes to mobility, injury-prevention and recovery. These tips can help keep your aging dog mobile, healthy and happy. • Fish oil: Originally recommended for treating canine allergies, fish oil is now used to treat numerous conditions, including …

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New Year’s Resolutions

Max, the dog, and Bella, the cat, share these New Year’s resolutions so you can use them to keep your pet healthy and happy in 2019. • Regular veterinary visits. For Bella, a young cat, annual exams are important. Max resolves to visit twice this year since he is getting up there in age. Remember …

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Seven Behavioral Changes That Might Indicate Your Dog is Sick

Compliments of Pets Wellbeing. December 18, 2018 Dogs don’t have the power of speech like humans do. This is why, when they get sick, they need to show us owners they’re hurting in other ways. While some illnesses have tell-tale signs like physical symptoms, others manifest in more “silent” ways, such as a change in …

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Holiday Hazards for Your Pets!

Compliments of Pet Wellbeing It’s almost the holiday season, and homes around the world are getting ready to host parties and celebrations of many different winter holidays. In addition to the food, guest list and party schedule, pet owners should also be wary of one additional thing: potential hazards for their pets. Not all decorations …

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Safe Travels

Traveling to see family for the winter holiday? Taking Fluffy? Whether flying or driving, traveling with pets can be fun and challenging. Keep these tips in mind to minimize the stress and risks. Check with your Vet. It is always a good idea to have your pet examined by a veterinarian prior to leaving on …

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