Category: Pets Are Family

Holiday Tips for Pet Owners

The most wonderful time of the year is here with the holiday season upon us. While you get ready to roast a Thanksgiving turkey and exchange gifts with friends and family, you also need to be aware of the dangers that could affect your pet this season. Be careful of what’s on the holiday dinner …

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Mushrooms and Halloween Hazards

With October comes fall in Colorado and new dangers that could be hazardous to your pet with new important safety issues to consider. Here are some tips to keep your pet healthy and happy this fall. Wild Mushrooms. When it’s fall, mushrooms will start sprouting up more often than any other season besides spring. In …

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Emergency Preparedness Pet Kits

In early August, federal officials designated 100% of Colorado to be abnormally dry or in drought. With wildfires in different parts of the state, there is no time like the present to make sure you and your pet are prepared for a fire. First, pack an emergency preparedness kit for your pet including • Food, …

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Cleaning Products and Pets

If you have been doing nothing else over the past several months, I would guess you have been cleaning. Cleaning and sanitation have become even more important during the Coronavirus pandemic than they were before. It is easy to forget that products purposed for cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing may not be safe for pets. And …

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Summertime Alerts for Pets

Summer is here and with it the sounds of summer – thunderstorms and fireworks. While we may enjoy the light and sounds that accompany them, most of our pets do not. The 4th of July is one of the most common days for pets, especially dogs, to become lost. For many of us the desire …

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Preparing A Plan for Your Pets

If COVID-19 has prompted you to prepare your household and family for an emergency, you are certainly not alone. Your pets, though, may not be top of mind as part of those plans. A preparedness plan for your pets should involve the following: Identify a trusted family member or friend to care for your pets  …

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The Deadly Reality of Leaving Dogs Outside in the Winter!

Hypothermia in dogs is no joke. Just like with humans, the condition can rapidly become fatal if not treated immediately. If hypothermia sets in, there is a series of simple steps you should take to save your four-legged companion. This winter, take extra care to protect you and your dog against the elements! Be aware …

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Can Pets Catch the New Coronavirus?

The news and social media are filled with updates surrounding the new novel coronavirus that began its spread late last year, also known as COVID-19. One of the biggest points of concern for families with pets stems from the knowledge that the virus strain was likely transmitted from animals in a livestock market in China. …

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The Ugly Truth About Your Pet’s Food Bowl

Every time you use a kitchen utensil, plate or bowl, you more than likely put it in the sink or dishwasher to be washed thoroughly before you use it again. This is common practice to avoid spreading germs or allowing bacteria to multiply. But when it comes to a pet’s food or water bowls, many …

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This Feline Disease is Hard to Identify and Even Harder to Treat!

When a cat gets sick, most pet owners are able to pick up on the signs and get them in to the vet as soon as possible for an examination. Typically, just a few simple tests can clue vets into the cat’s ailment, and vets can use that information to prescribe a cure or treatment. …

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Give Your Pet’s Heart Some Extra Love for American Heart Month!

February is American Heart Month—not only for people, but for our furry friends, too! Regardless of whether you live in or outside of the USA, take some extra time this month to focus on your furry friend’s heart health and begin to build healthy habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. …

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Dog Meets Baby! Successfully Introduce Your Pets and New Family Members!

For many families, their dog is their first “baby.” If you’ve raised them since they were a puppy, your family is all they’ve known, and you’ve gotten the joy of watching them grow and learn over the years. Unfortunately, this dynamic can get more complicated when a new baby is on the way. Many expecting …

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