Tag: Gift Card Scams

AARP Reports Latest Holiday Scams

Holiday celebrations will likely look very different in 2020 as we seek out a balance between celebrating with loved ones and staying safe. But one tradition isn’t going anywhere: Sadly, ‘tis still the season for scams, as cybercrooks cook up schemes to exploit our holiday habits. A few scams are specific to the holidays, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/374937/latest-news/aarp-reports-latest-holiday-scams

Those Turkeys (Scammers) Are At It Again!

There are a number of scams that are happening RIGHT NOW in Denver and the surrounding areas. Please make “how to avoid being scammed or spoofed” part of your Thanksgiving meal. We know, the topic isn’t exciting, but your friends and family will be so THANKFUL that you shared these warnings. Here are the top …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/333153/latest-news/turkeys-scammers-again