Tag: Gold Star families

Loveland Church Hosts Gold Star Families Presentations

Commemorating Memorial Day, Message of Life Ministries in Loveland hosted two Gold Star families who gave presentations of their sons killed in military action. Church parishioners Yvonne Paez and Soloman Martinez (both veterans) host this event annually. Bob Conde provided his son’s story as a youngster until his untimely death. Gabriel (Gabe) David Conde (1995-2018) …

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Veterans Memorial Day Tributes

Englewood’s Event: Celebrate Memorial Day at Englewood High School on Sunday, May 28. The high school is located at 3800 South Logan Street, Englewood. The ceremony is free and open to the public. Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms and/or ribbons, and we honor all veterans not just those in Englewood. The first year …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/8720/denver-metro-latest-news/veterans-memorial-day-tributes