Tag: Google Home

New Device? Beware of Scams When Activating It

A favorite tactic of scammers is to convince consumers to pay for services that would otherwise be free. BBB Scam Tracker (BBB.org/ScamTracker) is getting reports of a con where scam artists charge activation fees for devices that are, in fact, completely free to set up. The scam works like this. You purchase a new media …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/338406/better-business-bureau/device-beware-scams-activating

Use Caution When Asking for Auto Dial

Tell Alexa to play your favorite song. Ask Siri about the weather. Use Google Assistant to turn down the air conditioner. But don’t ask your smart device to look up a phone number, because it may accidentally point you to a scam. The scam works like this. You need the phone number for a company, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/329662/better-business-bureau/caution-auto-dial