Tag: King Soopers

King Soopers to Renovate Table Mesa Store in South Boulder

King Soopers plans to renovate the interior and exterior of their Table Mesa store. In partnership with the City of Boulder, King Soopers is working to accelerate the rebuilding process with the goal of a late fall opening. The rebuilding is another step in the healing process following the March 22 senseless act of violence. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/390576/boulder-county-latest-news/king-soopers-to-renovate-table-mesa-store-in-south-boulder

Caring Together

In times of tragedy, such as those experienced recently with the shooting at South Boulder’s King Soopers, songs and poems come to mind. Joan Baez’s lyrics, based on John Donne’s poem, capture a sense of communal support: “No man is an island, No man stands alone, Each man’s joy is joy to me, Each man’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/384081/boulder-county-latest-news/caring-together

Our Condolences to the Victims and Their Families from the Recent Boulder Tragedy

50 Plus is shocked and heartbroken by the tragic violence that occurred in Boulder on Monday afternoon (March 22). We mourn the loss of Boulder Officer Eric Talley and the nine other victims who lost their lives – Denny Strong, Neven Stanisic, Rikki Olds, Tralona Bartkowiak, Suzanne Fountain, Teri Leiker, Kevin Mahoney, Lynn Murray, and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/382817/boulder-county-latest-news/our-condolences-to-the-victims-and-their-families-from-the-recent-boulder-tragedy

Random Act Of Kindness

By Harvey McWhorter It was one of those long days after work, standing in line at a King Soopers in the customer service area. It was a long line with many other tired workers of the day. The line was moving slower and slower with people paying bills, purchasing Money Orders and playing the Lottery …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/7966/denver-metro-latest-news/random-act-kindness