Tag: Program All inclusive Care Elderly


…stands for Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly; which is focused on the belief that it is better for the well-being of frail seniors with chronic care needs and their families to be served in the community – in their home – whenever possible. PACE is for individuals who are age 55 or older, …

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PACE Provides Alternative To Nursing Homes

It’s well-established that older adults want to remain in their own homes. A recent study by the AARP Public Policy Institute and the National Conference of State Legislatures found 90 percent of those over 65 want to “age in place.” At times, living independently can be challenging due to issues related to aging. One option …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/8628/larimer-county-latest-news/pace-alternative-nursing-homes