Tag: red flags

Protect Yourself From Covid-19 Vaccine Scammers!

Scammers thrive on opportunities to take advantage of consumers. The COVID-19 vaccine distribution is exactly the type of opportunity scammers’ love. This website is a good resource https://www.denvergov.org/Government/COVID-19-Information check often to see if there are any updates. While many people are waiting to get the vaccine and we encourage everyone to get one, we want …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/378346/latest-news/protect-yourself-from-covid-19-vaccine-scammers

CEO Invoice Scam or Bossy Scam

Businesses in Larimer County have been receiving bogus invoices from scammers. These invoices seem real since they are supposedly from someone from your upper level management directing your finance personnel to set up a payment to a new vendor and send an express payment to this new vendor for some kind of services. Naturally, finance …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/309854/larimer-county-latest-news/ceo-invoice-scam-bossy-scam