Tag: social distancing

Ready Or Not!

Here it comes. Or rather, here it ‘tis! Yes, we’ve finally navigated our way out of 2020 and moved on to a new year. Seemingly few have wished for a longer 2020. One overheard comment might capture the sentiment of others – “To say 2020 has been the year from HELL does injustice to HELL!” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/377557/reflections/ready-or-not

Windsor-Severance Library is Open

If you haven’t heard the good news yet, the Windsor-Severance Library has opened its doors to the community again as of July 1st. The staff is excited to welcome patrons back into the building, though visitors might notice a few changes in place when they arrive. The Library has new operating hours: Monday through Friday, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/364448/weld-county-latest-news/windsor-severance-library-open

How Retirement Communities Are Coping

Retirement communities have had to immediately change how we safely deal with keeping the virus out of our buildings. At the beginning of the outbreak, we started by having any visitors check in with the receptionist, fill out a form that says you do not have any symptoms and then having your temperature checked. As …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.50plusmarketplacenews.com/351489/denver-metro-latest-news/retirement-communities-coping